Your outdoor space may be small, but you can still add all those landscaped features you want. A small garden pond can make a big statement in any outdoor area. Raised or sunken, natural or formal, garden ponds are a versatile, interesting addition to your landscaping. Does this Spark an idea?
Koi Pond
Because the fish and the construction can be costly, koi ponds are best constructed on a small scale, which makes them a perfect addition for more intimate outdoor settings.
Koi garden ponds support more fish based upon depth, but the water will not support any fish without a filtration system. Wetland filtration systems, which use no chemicals, are a good choice if you plan to maintain both plants and fish in your water. Tall iris and lotus are good choices for garden ponds, as the plants are attractive and very hardy.
Create your koi garden pond with smooth, straight sides and no shelves (this construction keeps raccoons and other predators away). A small pedestal in middle of the pond provides shade and a foundation for plants. Circular koi ponds, built into a patio or deck area or constructed to stand alone, are a good choice for small spaces.
Rock Pond
Rock ponds are a pretty addition to any outdoor space, but harder to keep clean. Remove all rocks and water and thoroughly clean the pond annually to keep water clear and clean. Add a submersible solids pump to reduce the need for this yearly cleaning.
Rock ponds create add texture and depth to the landscape. Create your rock pond by placing large and medium-sized stones around the edges of the water, in and outside the pond. Add shelves to create varying depths. Colored underwater lights make your small rock pond doubly interesting.
Small, raised pond designs are a good choice for rock ponds. Create brick or stone walls on a stone slab to form the pond. Fill any cracks in the wall with mortar to waterproof the walls, and then fill with water and rocks to create a garden pond.
Waterfall Pond
A waterfall effect can be added even to a small garden pond. Small ponds with moving water are especially habitable to goldfish. Add a water pump and filters to keep clean water circulating and reduce regular maintenance. Keep a second pump and filter system in storage to replace the primary system in the event of equipment failure or weather damage.
Waterfall ponds are best suited to slightly sloped garden areas. Frame the pond with brick and add large rock or stone slabs to create natural-looking ledges. The waterfall effect is added through a fountain, which should be secured in an anchoring wall built somewhat taller than the other pond walls. A water pumping system will keep fluid recycling through the fountain to create the waterfall.
Natural Pond
Achieve a more rustic garden look with a small, natural pond design. Natural garden ponds should be built on an open, flat or slightly sloping area. Any small, watertight container can be used to house your pond. Use PVC lining to waterproof the container and prevent toxins from seeping into the water.
Plants are the biggest feature of your small, natural garden pond. Iris, water mint and water lily are low-maintenance additions to your natural pond. Floating plants such as water lettuce and water hyacinth are another good choice. Allow plenty of room between plants to avoid over-crowding. Natural pond plants need lots of light--build your pond in a sunny spot of the garden. Transfer plants indoors for the winter.