Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to Care for a Kordana Rose

When you grow the Kordana rose, you must know how to care for it so that it grows to be a strong and healthy plant. This type of rose grows very well indoors in a pot or outdoors during the summer in a pot. The rose will have yellow, red or pink flowers. Does this Spark an idea?



    Set the plant in indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will wither the plant in a couple of days, even if you add water. The rose must have light, but not direct sunlight. A morning sun in an east area or a north area will help the rose grow healthy.


    Keep the soil moist. The soil should never be allowed to dry and get hard. Over watering causes the roots to rot, but not enough water causes the leaves to start turning yellow. Periodically stick your finger in the soil to test the moisture.


    Use an organic fertilizer such as a specialty rose fertilizer by Miracle Gro. The rose fertilizer spikes that you stick in the soil will work very well for potted Kordana rose plants.


    Keep the plant in the house if there is a chance of frost or cold night air. The plant can withstand 40 to 50 degree nights, but should be brought in the house at night or for the winter if it is any colder.


    Use a scissors to snip any dead flowers or branches. This keeps the plant looking healthy and promotes new growth.