Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Waterproof Outdoor Furniture and Tools

It is important to waterproof outdoor furniture and tools to protect your investment from the harsh elements. You can waterproof your furniture quickly, easily, and for very little money. Waterproof lacquer is available in a spray where spray paint is sold. It costs less than $5 to cover up to 20 square feet. It does not require a brush, paint stirrer, or lid opener. The lacquer dries in 15 minutes and can be touched within 24 hours. Best of all, the lacquer can be used on outdoor furniture, lawn and garden equipment, tools, wood, metal, and masonry. Does this Spark an idea?



    Buy a can of lacquer in the spray paint section of the hardware store.


    Make sure the humidity is low the day you plan to waterproof your lawn furniture. The temperature should be between 50 and 85 degrees.


    Remove all the loose dirt from the item with a brush. Sand with 220 grit paper and wipe down with a tack cloth. Make sure all dirt, grease, and oil has been removed.


    Cover your work area with a drop cloth.


    Begin spraying the air next to the item and sweep sideways until you are spraying the air on the other side of the item. Apply several thin coats. This will help you to avoid drips, runs, and having more lacquer in some areas than in others.


    While the lacquer should be dry in 15 minutes, do not handle for 24 hours.