Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Make a Beautiful Garden

How to Make a Beautiful Garden

Beautiful gardens have for centuries been an important part of landscape design. For your own landscape, you can make a garden that will delight the senses and add value to your home. Though it does require careful planning and some labor, once the work is done youll be able to enjoy your garden for many seasons thereafter. Does this Spark an idea?



    Decide which approach you want to take in designing your garden. For the purposes of this tutorial, youll discuss creating a flower garden based on color design. The garden will be more formal; youll create an overall square shape that will include a small tree and bench. Be sure to select an area that receives at least six hours of sunlight a day.


    Prepare the area before any planting can take place. Use an herbicide to kill the grass, then cover the area with black plastic sheeting for at least two to six weeks to ensure the roots are killed off. You can do this in late winter or early spring, when its unlikely therell be any more frosts.

    Simple plan for formal garden

    Draw up a basic plan. For this tutorial, the plan will be three beds to the east, three to the north and three to the west. A small shade tree and bench will close the square at the south end of the garden. Keep the inner rows all one color, the middle rows another color, and the third or outer rows one color. Include two small bushes on the plan that will flank the beds to the north.


    Make a list of all the different kinds of flowers you want to have in your garden. Consider the climate you live in, and the growing season. Choose plants that require a minimum amount of water, if possible, and are environmentally friendly. For example, in the low desert environment of Phoenix, Arizona, flowers such as yellow Dahlias and Desert Marigolds grow to be about 12 inches tall, require a minimum of water, and attract birds. These would be the first row of flowers. For the second row, you may want red flowers. The Blanket Flower or red Cornflower would do well; each grows to about 18 inches tall and, like the yellow flowers, need a minimum of water. For the outer row, the blue-colored Purple Astor, which grows to around 36 inches tall would work well.


    Note that the selections above take height into consideration. Arrange the flowers in your beds so the plants are progressively taller. For the rows of flowers to be most effective in a formal setting they need to be seen as organized and progressive.Choose flowers that have similar water requirements. This will allow you to set your drip system to water all your flowers at the same time. You may want to use a different line for the trees and bushes to accommodate their water needs.


    Consider the bloom times for the flowering plants you wish to use. Its nearly impossible to have all your flowers bloom at the same time. Instead take into account the leaves and structure of the flowers as well. Mix your same color plants so you have at least a few blooms in each row at any given time.


    Remove the plastic film and prepare your soil. What soil amendments you need will depend on the local climate and the types of plants you choose. A general rule of thumb is flowers like nutrient rich, loose soil. Their roots tend to be delicate and compact soil may prevent them from reaching their full height or flowering. Mark out with string or landscape paint where you want to place the flowerbeds. Dig a few inches of compost into your beds and add any other nutrients. Dig the holes for your bushes and tree.


    Install your drip system before planting. For the grounds not used for flowers and plants, you can either add pavers or other stone, or leave as natural ground. If you are installing stone, do it before planting or installing your drip system.


    Plant your bushes, tree and flowers. Be sure to leave enough space between your flowers for growth. To keep your flowers in an even row when planting, use a string. Stretch it across the bed and stake it on either side. Set each plant using the string as your guide.


    Place your bench. Sit down and admire your work.

How to Start a Vegetable Garden in the Backyard

How to Start a Vegetable Garden in the Backyard

Starting a vegetable garden may seem daunting, but it's easier than it looks. At its very core, starting a vegetable garden requires nothing more than digging a hole and putting seeds in the ground. Digging a larger hole simply gives you room to plant more seeds, and filling that hole with top-quality soil helps the seeds grow. Beyond that, vegetable gardeners are free to use their imaginations. Does this Spark an idea?



    Choose a sunny spot in your backyard that is preferably on the south side of your property; the south side of any yard receives the most sun. Look for an open space that is not too near trees. Trees provide shade, and many popular vegetable varieties do best in full sun.


    Plan the vegetable garden. While this step is not necessary, planning what you want to grow and where increases your chances of success. Read seed packets to know how much space is needed between plant varieties, and map out how to plant your vegetable garden.


    Measure the space you want for your garden. The more space, the more food you can grow. Vegetables are usually planted in rows with a foot or so of space between them. You will need at least a couple of yards on each side of the garden.


    Dig up the grass with a four-tine pitchfork, not a shovel. Wear garden gloves to prevent blisters. Push the top of the pitchfork into the ground with your foot, lean on the handle and push up the grass. Dig down at least a foot.

    Dispose of the dug-up grass or, alternatively, turn it upside down around the edge of the garden. Some gardeners say this prevents weeds on the edge of the garden.


    Even if the soil in your yard is good, start the new garden with good quality topsoil. Lawn soil is full of grass and weed seeds. Purchase bags of topsoil and compost at any garden supply shop or hardware store. Tell the people at the garden supply shop how big your plot is, and they will tell you how many bags of soil and compost to use; more soil is used than compost.


    Alternate dumping soil with a little compost into the garden bed and work the two together. Mix with your gloved hands or a dirt rake. Fill the garden bed and till the top with the rake.


    Sprinkle seeds in the various plots in your vegetable garden. Till with the dirt rake, and sprinkle more soil on top of the seeds.

Akro-Mils RZJMEDI Medium Stack-A-Pot, 30-Quart

  • Perfect for your deck, patio, front porch, balcony or inside your home
  • Multi-tiered planter crafted from durable, U.V. protected plastic
  • 30-quart capacity
  • Imagine your home cascading with colorful flowers, tasty herbs, succulent strawberries, or plump tomatoes
  • Layers stack upward and collapse for easy storage

Special Offer: check this out!

Related Products

    Product Description
    The Medium Stack-A-Pot by Akro-Mils- is perfect for your deck, patio, front porch, balcony or inside your home. The multi-tiered planter is crafted from durable, U.V. protected plastic and can withstand all four seasons outdoors! With a 30-quart capacity, the Medium Stack-A-Pot is ideal for the creative gardener. You can even add more layers by purchasing multiple units! Your planter includes three layers plus a base; each layer holds three plants. Imagine your home cascading with colorful flowers, tasty herbs, succulent strawberries, or plump tomatoes. The layers stack upward, saving you valuable space, and collapse again for easy storage! The perfect gift for gardeners of all levels.

    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    The Best Finish for Outdoor Furniture

    The Best Finish for Outdoor Furniture

    Outdoor furniture can turn your backyard from a garden into a functional, outdoor room, where you and your family can spend hours of quality time. The right furniture for your yard should be both attractive and comfortable. Because outdoor furniture is constantly exposed to the elements, it is important to coat it with a protective finish. The best finish for your outdoor furniture depends not only on the look you are after, but also the amount of periodic maintenance you are willing to perform. Does this Spark an idea?

    Oil-Based Transparent Stains

      For finishing a quality piece of wood furniture, many people prefer the look and feel of an oil-based, transparent wood stain. A transparent stain provides color to the wood, but the wood's natural grain will remain completely revealed. As opposed to a paint, which lays on the wood's surface, a transparent stain is intended to penetrate into the wood's surface.

      Prior to finishing with a transparent stain, your wood furniture should be entirely free of any existing coatings. You may have to sand or use a chemical stripper in order to achieve the desired conditions prior to staining. In addition, wood must be completely dry prior to staining; any moisture contained within the wood may prevent the stain from penetrating the surface adequately. An oil-based wood stain that does not penetrate, and sits on the wood's surface, will remain tacky, will tend to attract dirt and pollen and could stain clothing. When applying oil-based stain, make sure the stain soaks into the wood. Back-brushing, or going back over the surface of the wood to remove any excess stain, after 15 minutes is an effective way to avoid overapplying oil-based wood stain.

      Transparent oil-based stains provide water protection, as well as protection from the sun's harmful rays. Keep in mind that the UV protection in wood stain comes from the pigments, so the darker color you choose, the longer you can expect a stain to last. Generally, a transparent wood stain will last between one to three years before it needs to be refinished. The lifespan varies greatly depending on the exposure to sunlight.

      Also, it is important to understand that, when using a transparent wood stain, the finish can vary greatly depending on the absorbency and color of the wood. Wood is a natural substrate, and transparent finishes will reveal the inconsistencies and natural deformations inherent within wood. This can create a beautiful, breath-taking finish, but if you are expecting a consistent finish, it can be quite a shock. Go with a solid-color product if consistency is your goal.

    Semitransparent Oil-Based Wood Stain

      A semitransparent wood stain is similar to the transparent stain in many ways. The primary difference between the two is that the pigment particles in the semitransparent stains are larger and obscure the wood grain pattern more than those in the transparent stain. Similar to the transparent stain, you will want to avoid overapplying the semitransparent wood stains. Also, the darker colors will tend to last longer than the lighter ones.

      You can expect a semitransparent stain to last between two and four years before the furniture needs to be refinished.

    Solid Color Stain or Paint

      A solid color stain essentially performs similarly to a traditional, opaque paint. In fact, prior to applying a solid color wood stain, it is typically recommended that you first apply a primer in order to create a surface with which the solid color stain will bond. Then, after the priming, apply two coats of solid color stain in order to ensure maximum protection and a consistent finish.

      A solid color product will completely obscure the wood's natural grain, but it provides a long-lasting and protective finish. Also, if you are finishing weather damaged furniture, furniture with a coating that could not be completely removed or furniture constructed of lower-grade lumber, a solid color product may be your best choice.

      You can expect a solid color finish to last at least five years or longer. Again, harmful UV rays are the nemesis of all coatings, so the more you are able to keep your furniture out of the sunlight, the longer you can expect your furniture's finish to remain intact.

    Saturday, September 28, 2013

    What Is a Zen Garden?

    What Is a Zen Garden?

    The Japanese Zen garden or "kare sansui," is the type of dry landscape garden often seen outside of Zen temples in Japan and in other parts of the world. The gardens are made entirely of stone and sand, without the use of water or vegetation of any kind. The minimalism of the garden is meant to impart upon the viewer a sense of contemplation and possibly enlightenment. Does this Spark an idea?


      The dry landscape Zen garden is tied to the Zen Buddhism religious movement's appearance in Japan. Camelia Nakagawara of the University of Chicago, writes in her work, "The Japanese Garden for the Mind: The 'Bliss' of Paradise Transcended," that
      the gardens appeared for the first time in Japan during the late Heian period, but thrived during the Muromachi period from 1338 to 1573. According to Robert Wicks, professor of philosophy at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, the Zen garden is not a style unique to the Japanese Zen Buddhist religion, but has links also to Chinese Daoism, Shintoism and other types of Japanese Buddhism.


      Zen gardens are significant in comparison to other types of more lush and traditional types of Japanese and Western gardens because of their minimalism. The lack of vegetation and water within them forces the viewer to contemplate their symbolism and metaphorical value.


      Scholars note different theories as to the significance and meaning of the Zen garden. Hugo Munsterberg, a noted scholar on Asian art and archaeology, wrote in "Zen and Art," that in the "reduction of nature to a skeleton ... everything incidental [to] the Zen feeling is expressed." According to Nakagawara's work, the gardens were meant for contemplation. They also serve as metaphorical devices, with the stones and gravel raked in certain patterns meant to symbolize mountains, water or other parts of a landscape. This contemplation was meant to trigger Zen enlightenment for those properly trained in the religion.


      Some Zen gardens have no types of vegetation, while others have moss or other small plants within them. The most famous Zen temple garden in Japan is the Ryoan-ji Temple garden in Kyoto, which was designed by the famous Japanese artist Soami in the 15th century. According to Nakagawara, the "kare sansui" can also refer to Japanese garden terms, such as "flat garden," "rock garden" or "contemplative garden," in addition to "Zen garden."


      True Zen gardens in the kare sansui style are made only from gravel made from small pebbles, larger stones and some moss. They are designed in a way that viewers are supposed to sit and view them from a certain vantage point. Ryoan-ji, for example, is a space enclosed by the temple itself and three walls on the other sides. Within this space are 15 large stones among white gravel.

    When to Plant a Vegetable Garden in Missouri

    When to Plant a Vegetable Garden in Missouri

    Planting a vegetable garden in Missouri can be rewarding thanks to a relatively warm climate and a growing season that lasts from about April to October. But the variety of climates and temperature zones in the state can make it tricky to know when to start your vegetable garden. Does this Spark an idea?

    Missouri planting climate

      During growing season, Missouri gets between 60 and 90 days that are warmer than 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
      Missouri generally falls under Zones 5 and 6 on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, but the University of Missouri Extension divides the state into three areas, North, Central and South, in determining planting dates for vegetables. The Ozark plateau region also falls under the "North" planting categorization, even though it's in a more southern part of the state, due to its elevation.
      Planting times in each of these areas is affected by temperature and the date of the last frost. The southern part of Missouri has an average frost-free date of April 5. In northern Missouri, the average frost-free date is typically April 20, though the University of Missouri Extension notes that frost can hit until mid-May.

    Missouri planting times

      Planting dates vary by vegetable variety. The University of Missouri Extension offers a vegetable planting calendar that details planting dates for each vegetable based on region.
      Cold weather crops, such as beets, carrots, lettuce, peas, cabbage and cauliflower can be planted in March in the southern region. In the north, they can be planted in April, and in the central region they can be planted from mid-March to mid-April.
      Beans and cucumbers should be planted in mid- to late-April in the south and mid- to late-May in the north, and hey should be planted in early May in central Missouri.
      Warmer weather crops, such as peppers, squash and tomatoes, can be planted in May in the south, mid-May in central Missouri, and mid- to late-May in the northern region.
      Sweet corn can be planted from late April to mid-August in the south, from late April to early August in central Missouri and from early May to mid-July in the north.

    Fall crops

      Several varieties of vegetables can be sowed a second time for fall harvest. These dates are also listed on the MU Extension planting calendar. Beets, for example, can be sown from Aug. 1 to 15 in the south, Aug. 1 to 10 in central Missouri and July 25 to Aug. 1 in northern Missouri for a fall crop. Cabbage and carrots can be planted in early August in the south, in central Missouri from late July to early August and in late July in the north.

    Apollo Precision Tools DT0825 5-Gallon Bucket Garden Tool Organizer, Black/Green

    • Abrasion resistant 600D cloth
    • 14 inside pockets, 34 triple row outside pockets
    • Fits any standard 5 gallon bucket (bucket not included)
    • Adjustable hook & loop strap attaches quickly and easily
    • Holds most hand and garden tools

    Special Offer: check this out!

    Related Products

      Product Description
      Get organized with the Apollo Tools Bucket Tool Organizer. This Bucket Tool Organizer is made of single layer 600D oxford cloth w/PVC inner layer and will convert your 5 gallon bucket into a tool organizer. It is perfect for keeping your tools organized, protected and easily accessible. With the hook and loop fastener strap it fits any 5 gallon bucket and makes carry tools a breeze. Utilizes 14 inside pockets and 34 triple row outside pockets to hold anything and everything from your garden tools, gloves, seeds, marking sticks, string, scissors, tape , water bottle, and/or cell phone. Made of an extremely durable cloth constructed of PVC coated polyester material that is extremely tear resistant. This material is typically found on products that require abrasion resistance and waterproof characteristics like backpacks, hunting equipment or luggage. Color is Black with green accent. Bucket not included.

      Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long

      Special Offer: check this out!

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        Product Description
        If you love the joys of eating home-garden vegetables but always thought those joys had to stop at theend of summer, this book is for you. Eliot Coleman introduces the surprising fact that most of the UnitedStates has more winter sunshine than the south of France. He shows how North American gardeners cansuccessfully use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter vegetables in backyard cold frames andplastic-covered tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat. Coleman expands upon his own experienceswith new ideas learned on a winter-vegetable pilgrimage across the ocean to the acknowledgedkingdom of vegetable cuisine, the southern part of France, which lies on the ??th parallel, the same latitudeas his farm in Maine.This story of sunshine, weather patterns, old limitations and expectations, and new realities is delightfullyinnovative in the best gardening tradition. Four-Season Harvest will have you feasting on fresh producefrom your garden all through the winter.

        How to Cut Rose Bushes

        How to Cut Rose Bushes

        Rose bushes are a spectacular addition to any garden, but cutting a rose bush is intimidating to many novice gardeners. Keep in mind that cutting back a rose bush is actually good for the plant. It encourages new bloom and growth, removes dead wood, improves air circulation and enhances its look. Does this Spark an idea?



          Plan your cutting. Most rose bushes should be trimmed in the spring after the final hard freeze. Cutting a rose bush in cold weather can stunt new growth. If you live in a warmer region, typically Zones 7 to 10, schedule your cutting for after the rose bush has lost most of its leaves.


          Prepare your cutting tools. Make sure your shears and loppers are sharp and clean. Using dull cutting tools can easily damage your rose bush. Disinfect your tools in rubbing alcohol before cutting and between rose bushes. This prevents the transfer of diseases and infections. It is also a good idea to wear heavy-duty gardening gloves to prevent the thorns from scratching you.


          Know the correct cutting techniques. For a rose bush to thrive, you need to cut the stems at a 45-degree angle with the slope of the angle heading toward the center of the bush. Cuts should be made about inch above a bud that is facing toward the outside of the plant. Begin cutting at the base of the rose bush and work your way up.


          Cut away any dead, dying or diseased wood. This prevents disease or manifestation from spreading to other parts of your rose bush. Dead wood usually looks dry or shriveled and can appear black or dark brown in color.


          Remove five or six live branches, selectively. You want to open up the center of the rose bush to provide better air circulation and allow sunlight to reach the inside of the plant. This helps reduce the risk of diseases and infections. Cut away any weak branches that are thinner than a pencil. Get rid of any rose branches that cross over another branch or through the center of the rose bush.


          Remove sucker growth from the base of the rose bush. Get rid of suckers, or new growth, by cutting them down to ground level.


          Cut away overgrown branches. Trim any branches that extend beyond the basic shape of the rose bush. Now cut off any foliage on the remaining branches.


          Seal significant cuts. Seal any cuts wider than the diameter of a pencil with carpenter's glue or white glue. This will make the rose bush heal faster and keep away boring insects.


          Throw all of the rose bush cuttings into the trash. Remove all of the cuttings from around rose bushes to minimize the chance of disease or insect infestation.

        How to Build a Garden Pond and Waterfall

        How to Build a Garden Pond and Waterfall

        Creating a backyard garden pond with a waterfall is a challenging landscaping project. However, the finished result will add beauty and relaxation to your yard and garden. Does this Spark an idea?



          Choose a spot for your garden pond and waterfall that gets at least partial sun throughout the day. Use the long garden hose to outline the shape of your planned pond. You may also use rope or string and wooden stakes, but the garden hose is handy and works well. Be sure to purchase enough pond liner to cover the entire pond base.


          Dig the pond with a shovel and pick if necessary. Remove any roots far back from the planned inside surface of the garden pond. Dig the pond with a shallow area ideal for marginal plants and a deeper section for submerged plants and to overwinter fish. Also dig a small section outside the pond shape for the waterfall feature. This should be large enough to run a water line and house the pond pump.


          Smooth a layer of sand at the bottom of the pond hole and lay the pond liner sub-liner over it. The sand is optional if you have a good, flat dirt surface for the bottom of the pond. These steps help protect the pond liner from damage.


          Lay the pond liner into the pond, being sure to leave extra at the top surface for security and leak prevention. Flatten it out as much as possible and fold any corners or curves neatly. Secure the outside top liner edges with flat landscaping rocks or other materials such as pavers or treated lumber.


          Place the pond filter in the bottom of the pond and attach a flexible tube to it. Run this tube to the pond pump that is positioned in the area where you will have the waterfall feature. Attach another flexible water tube to the pond pump. Create a natural-looking protective berm of landscaping rocks to hide the pond pump while still allowing access to it for maintenance.


          Position the tube coming from the pond pump upward through the landscaping rocks. Lay the end horizontally on top of the edge of a wide, flat rock that is angled slightly downward toward the pond itself. This rock should overhang the edge of the pond slightly as well. This is where the waterfall water will come from. Position the rocks for the most natural and pleasing look.


          Position any pond plants in the pond directly on the pond liner or on rocks or risers to put them at the correct water depth. Fill the pond with water from the garden hose. Follow manufacturer's directions to prime the pond pump and then turn it on. Enjoy your garden pond with waterfall feature for many years to come.

        Friday, September 27, 2013

        Hearth & Garden SF40239 Offset Umbrella Cover

        • Heavy weight 380gm pvc coated polyester
        • Resist cracking, fading, tearing and mold build-up
        • Pvc coating increases water resistance and further protection from the elements
        • Neutral but Fashionable Taupe Color Matches Your Outdoor Furniture and Environment
        • Keeps outdoor umbrellas clean and ready for use

        Special Offer: check this out!

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          Product Description
          Protect your outdoor items from winter's wrath with our Hearth and Garden line of Patio furniture covers. Made from 380gm polyester, our furniture and grill covers resist cracking, fading, tearing, and mold build up. Coated with PVC for increased water resistant and further protection from the elements, you can be confident that your patio furniture is secure through the seasons. We have covers available to fit all of your needs, from tables and chairs to grills and patio heathers. All of these items are available packaged in clear vinyl poly bags.

          How to Landscape a Garden and Lawn with Curves

          How to Landscape a Garden and Lawn with Curves

          Adding curves to your garden is more complex than just shaping the garden bed. When you plan the landscape of your garden or lawn, think above ground level. Visualize the wave you create using plant heights, color and size at the beginning, peak and end of each season. Plan your landscape with these curves in mind. Copy Mother Nature, and she will appreciate the compliment. Does this Spark an idea?



            Plan the shape of your garden bed by laying out a hose, sculpted to the shape you want. Create a circular garden to highlight a feature, patio or tree. Serpentine lines can separate a garden bed from the lawn or encompass a patio. Add rounded corners to soften an entrance area. These patterns add ground level curves to your garden and lawn.


            Choose plants of varied heights for three-dimensional appeal. If you have not chosen your plants, create a visual aid. Find pictures with names of the flowers and bushes you like. Research how well they grow in your environment to make sure the plant can reaches its full size. Tape the picture to a stick at its mature height and place it in the garden, leaving plenty of room around each to show maturity size.


            Look at the top line of your stick garden, checking for a pleasing wave created by the top heights of your sticks. Rearrange your plan as necessary. If you have a unique feature you want accented in the yard, plan for taller plants to draw the eye upward or lower plants to draw the eye down to highlight this feature. Tall bushes and plants can make an emphatic endpoint for gardens and lawns, a way of defining your space.


            Create an appealing mid-level curve with varied shapes and foliage that looks different before, during and after the plant blooms.


            Plan for at least half of each planting of similar height to have a similar flowering time. Add a large letter to your stick garden that indicates the month it blooms -- such as A for Aug, J for July, j for June -- to visualize how it will look.


            Add garden lighting to accentuate the curves at night. Plan the lighting just like you did your garden, with varied shapes, heights and textures to bring your garden and lawn alive at night. Buy a large enough 12-volt converter box to handle multiple outputs and multiple units of lighting. Set up soft spot lighting and down lights for walkways.


            Place garden art to scale. Install large and dramatic structures with large and dramatic plants. Put peek-a-boo pieces with ground cover or small plants. Don't overwhelm your plants with art. Let nature give its natural curve to your landscape.

          Apex 8650-50 Commercial 5/8-Inch-by-50-Foot Hot and Cold Hose

          • All Rubber Tough - Hot Water Hose 5/8" x 50'
          • Commercial Strength Durability
          • For Hot Water up to 160 degrees
          • Black Rubber

          Special Offer: check this out!

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            Product Description
            8650-50 Features: -Commercial series rubber hose.-Designed for hot and cold use.-For hot water up to 160 F. Construction: -All rubber construction. Dimensions: -Dimensions: 600'' H x 0.63'' W.

            Assortment of 12 Culinary Herb Garden Seeds: Parsley, Thyme, Cilantro, Basil, Dill, Oregano, Marjoram & More

            • Parsley, Thyme, Cilantro/Coriander, Basil, Dill, Oregano Sweet Marjoram, Chives, Savory, Garlic Chives, Mustard, Sage
            • High Quality Seeds - Great Germination Rates
            • Each seed packet re-sealed in mylar pouch
            • Planting & Growing Instruction Sheet Included
            • Lovingly harvested, fresh from their most recent season

            Special Offer: check this out!

            Related Products

              Product Description
              Grow your own culinary herb garden. This seed collection is the perfect way to grow the most common herbs and spices used in cooking. Includes lots of high germination rate seeds of each type: Parsley, Lemon Basil, Thyme, Dill, Cilantro, Sweet Marjoram, Oregano, Chives, Garlic Chives, Mustard, Savory & Sage.

              QUALITY & QUANTITY GUARANTEE Each Packet comes with lots of seed, grow herbs indoors and outdoors! Plenty of seed to experiment with and grow a full herb garden! Our seed is also Guaranteed to grow.

              Thursday, September 26, 2013

              Ideas on Landscaping a Small Courtyard

              Ideas on Landscaping a Small Courtyard

              Small courtyards give you the opportunity to beautify a space within the architectural design of your home. Despite the small space, grow vegetables, herbs, ornamental plants and climbing vines can grow there. By contributing natural elements into the courtyard, you not only create a pleasing entertainment area but also can grow food and flowers for get-togethers. Does this Spark an idea?

              Growing Climbing Plants

                A wide range of climbing plants can be grown up the surface of the walls. Climbing plants not only contribute both flowers and produce, but also add a decorative element to the home's outside. Find out how much light filters into the courtyard. Draw a diagram of the courtyard and watch how much light each area of the courtyard receives. Most fruits and vegetables need at least six hours of sunlight. Choose a south-facing wall for growing plants that need full sun. Plants such as string beans, roses, grapes, tomatoes and herbs can grow on trellises attached to walls or netting. Decide what type of plant you want to cultivate. Attach a trellis to the wall studs of the exterior walls or hang netting. Put climbing plants in containers or into the ground, depending on the flooring. For shadier areas that get roughly four to six hours of sunlight, grow clematis, trumpet or a climbing hydrangea vine.

              Coutyard Flooring

                Although some courtyards have a stone or cement flooring, you can mix up hard surfaces with natural ground cover. Rather than having one set floor, grow hardy ground cover plants like clover, mother-of-thyme, candytuft or periwinkle between stone pathways. Design a path for stone flooring and create garden beds around the hardscape. To keep people from stepping on the flower beds, build them slightly raised. The textures the plants provide bring contrast with the hard floor. To keep ground cover from covering the flooring, prune back plants every few weeks. If they get stepped on, that will harm the plants. Create a flowing carpet by planting colorful ground cover next to stone floors.

              Landscaping with a Theme

                Use the architecture of your home as a source of inspiration for landscaping. For those that have a Mediterranean home, grow olive trees, lemon trees, grapes or Mediterranean fan palms. Themes also can be inspired by design elements of a home. Homes designed from an eclectic point of view can have a host of unusual containers planted with vibrant flowers. Unusual containers could include bathtubs, barrels or coffee cups. Allow your imagination to go wild, but make sure the containers you use have drainage holes at least half an inch in diameter. Other themes can arise out of the surroundings, such as wooded areas. Plant trees in the courtyard and watch as they grow. Transform the courtyard as a meditation area by building a zen-like rock garden and plant succulents around the stones. Stick with one theme to landscape the courtyard so it doesn't look chaotic.

              Stucco Color Ideas

              Stucco Color Ideas

              Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

              Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

              Vegetable gardening is easy and simple to do. All you need is a good garden spot or even a few containers -- anything that will allow you to plant a few seeds and grow vegetable plants. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with growing your own vegetables, having nurtured them from seed and sampled the end result. As you grow more confident at growing simple-to-grow vegetables, you may want to expand the size of your garden spot and raise other fruits and vegetables such as melons, okra, green beans and pumpkins, birdhouse gourds and peanuts. Garden space and water availability play a major part in determining what and how you grow your garden. Remember that your garden loves water and will require at least 1 inch of water per week. After a significant amount of rainfall, your plants will seem to get a growth spurt. This is due to nitrogen in the rainwater. Does this Spark an idea?



                Have loose, loamy soil with plenty of depth to allow roots to penetrate deeply to take up enough nutrients to allow the plant to reach its maximum potential. The more compost and other organic material you add to your soil, the better nutrition your plants will grow.


                Dig a 10-by-10 foot garden, enough room to plant a few rows of easy-to-grow vegetables, or prepare several large container pots with a mixture of loamy soil enriched with compost. Make certain the soil is deep enough for good root penetration. Keep your garden spot away from trees since they have a vast root system that extends their entire width. Tree roots suck up copious amounts of water, and your vegetable garden will suffer.


                Plant marigold flowers around the perimeter of your garden spot to deter rabbits from dining on your vegetables. Mixing horse manure into your garden soil is said to deter deer from browsing on your succulent new shoots.


                Tie garden twine to sticks and use that as a guide to keep straight rows while you are sowing your garden seeds. Radishes should be planted 4 inches apart in one row. Zucchini seeds should be planted sparingly in a small garden, since they spread easily and will take over; they need a space of at least 2 square feet each.


                Plant kale seeds in one row about 1 foot apart. Kale grows tall, and as long as it gets enough water, it doesn't require any special attention. Lettuce may be sown in a row; any variety grows well, especially Simpson's Elite, which is a lovely bright green color and seems to have no enemies.


                Sow tomato seeds. Cherry tomatoes work well in containers or in a small garden. Larger varieties, such as Big Boy, require much more space to spread out, and they need staking. Your cherry tomato plants may need staking or cages to climb up and around, depending on their variety.

              Wednesday, September 25, 2013

              How to Paint Outdoor Furniture

              Outdoor furniture can last a long time if it is taken care of properly. However, even furniture that is babied is still exposed to the elements and will likely need a touch-up every few years. Painting your outdoor furniture is simple and can make it look like new for a fraction of the cost of a new set. Does this Spark an idea?


              Painting Outdoor Wood Furniture


                Choose an enamel paint that is strong enough to stand up to the weather in your particular area (i.e. hot and dry vs. rainy). Check with your local paint supply store for the type best suited for your needs.


                If possible, disassemble the furniture in order to be able to paint the end pieces and avoid moisture leaking under the paint layer down the road.


                Brush the wood with a wire brush or medium grade sandpaper to remove loose paint, dirt or other debris. You may sand down all the paint if you like, but making sure you have a smooth surface with no snags is also sufficient even if some color remains.


                Apply the first coat evenly and let it dry completely.


                Once the first coat is dry, lightly sand it with light grade sandpaper and wipe off any resulting dust.


                Apply the top coat evenly and allow it to dry completely before reassembling the furniture.


                For best results, repeat this process every two to three years.

              Painting Outdoor Metal Furniture


                Wash the furniture thoroughly to remove any dirt.


                Brush lightly with a wire brush to remove any remaining debris, rust or loose paint.


                Coat the furniture with metal primer and allow it to dry completely.


                Once the primer is dry, apply a coat of enamel in the color of your choice and allow it to dry completely before using it or placing anything on it.

              How to Clean White Plastic Outdoor Furniture

              How to Clean White Plastic Outdoor Furniture

              Over time that white plastic outdoor furniture you have sitting out on your deck or patio may begin looking dirty, dingy and even moldy. Although the white resin furniture will resist some staining, it will not stay clean indefinitely unless you wash it. Gather the materials you need to clean the furniture and get busy restoring your white outdoor furniture to its former clean condition. With regular maintenance, you can keep your furniture looking white and clean. Does this Spark an idea?



                Fill the bucket with warm water and place approximately 1/2 cup of baking soda into the small bowl.


                Line the chairs up in an outdoor location, such as a driveway, where you can work on them. Spray the chairs thoroughly with the garden hose to dampen all surfaces.


                Dip the mesh sponge into the bucket of water and then into the baking soda in the small bowl. Apply the baking soda to the lawn furniture and rub it in well with the sponge. Continue applying more baking soda to the chairs with the sponge, rubbing over every surface to remove dirt and mildew.


                Spray the chairs again with the garden hose to rinse away the baking soda. Allow the chairs to dry in the sunlight.

              How to Design a Rose Garden

              Over the years, roses have been used in formal, informal and cottage gardens. The elements of design can vary, but roses add beautiful colors and scents to any garden. Does this Spark an idea?


              Formal Garden


                Choose your shape - usually a simple square or rectangle for a formal rose garden.


                Use hybrid teas, grandifloras and floribundas as the backbone of the design of your formal rose garden.


                Lay out straight rows of roses, and plant only one type of rose in each row or bed. Use neatly trimmed lawn or paving stones to separate the beds.


                Find a focal spot for the garden and plant a perfect rose in that spot. Grandifloras and floribundas both bloom vigorously and nearly continuously and serve as an attractive focal point.


                Surround the garden with latticework to support climbing roses.

              Informal Garden


                Vary the types of roses and their placement for a less formally designed garden. Straight rows of individual rose types are not a feature of the informal garden.


                Relax the design for an informal rose garden. Use curving lines to soften the edges of the beds and the entire garden.


                Mix old-fashioned and modern roses together. Shrub roses make a good backdrop for the newer hybrid teas.

              Cottage Garden


                Combine roses with your other favorites and even edible plants to design a cottage garden.


                Plant taller plants and shrubs at the back of the cottage garden, then gradually decrease the height of the plants as you work toward the front.


                Avoid straight lines when designing a cottage garden. Draw meandering paths and curved edges in the garden design.

              Tuesday, September 24, 2013

              4 Pc Outdoor Patio Round PE Round Rattan Wicker Sofa Sectional Garden Furniture Set

              • Aluminium frame,compared with other seller of iron frame,our sets are not rust ,rough and deforming. Can be left outside all year round against all weather condition.
              • The rattan set offers total flexibility and can be easily moved to suit any occasion, this set really is an all rounder, looking at home in any garden, conservatory or sun room.
              • 100% waterproof, will not fade?Assembly Required
              • Cushion thickness: 130mm.All removable cushions' covers are machine washable
              • Only rattan sofa and cushion is included.The umbrella and wine bottle is not included.

              Special Offer: check this out!

              Product Description
              Decorating with designer outdoor wicker furniture was once reserved for luxury resorts, hotels, and high-end residential homes. Now, It is Perfect for patio, deck or pool side while taking advantage of the warm spring and summer evenings.Our wicker sofa made of the high quality round PE recyclable wicker in rich hues. The round PE recyclable wicker is stronger than the normal PE rattan. The PE rattan can endure for bending, aging, UV radiation and water. It lasts long time and the color never fades away, also it is not sensitive to temperature fluctuations. This coffee set is lightweight yet sturdy.Our sofas are amply padded, stable and the 5.1"thick cushions are designed to be breathable. The cushions have removable covers for easy cleaning, but they also allow you to change the color of the cushions creating a whole new look and feel for your patio.The item needs to have a signature required at the time of delivery. Since this is a high price item, we want to make sure that the item will arrive safety to the delivery address.Feature:Excellent hand-weaving techniqueThe covered of sponge cushion is made of polyester fabric.Round PE recyclable wicker.Adjustable feetIncludes:1 single corner sofa2 double corner sofas1 table with Tempered glass top5 seat cushions6 back cushionsDetails:Single Corner sofa size: 31.5"L31.5"W25.6"HDouble Corner sofa size: 53.5"L31.5"W25.6"HTable size: 27.56"L27.56"W15.7"HSeat cushions thickness: 5.1"Back cushions thickness: 5.1"Tempered glass thickness: 5MM

              How to French Paint Furniture

              How to French Paint Furniture

              Transform your ordinary wood furniture into French flea market-style "antiques" with a bit of paint and simple finishing techniques. According to Better Homes and Gardens magazine, French-style decor is characterized by elegance mixed with rustic details and distressed surface finishes. Typical French country colors include soft shades of blue, yellow and white. French-style painted furniture adds warmth and charm to contemporary decor. It's easy to do, inexpensive and a perfect way to recycle old furniture. Does this Spark an idea?




                Select a piece of wooden furniture to painteither from your own home or from a second-hand shop. It doesn't need to be antique, but the shape of the furniture is important. Anything with carved details and curved lines will look more convincingly like French antique furniture.


                Remove the hardwareknobs and pullsif you plan to replace them. If not, cover them with painter's tape. If you're painting a chair or other piece of upholstered furniture, remove the upholstery or cover it with newspaper or plastic.


                Cover your work area with a painter's drop cloth or old bedsheet. Remove the original varnish from your furniture using coarse sandpaper. Your prepared furniture surface should be rough-textured.


                Apply a coating of primer using a natural-bristle brush. Make sure you are using wood primer, not metal primer.


                Apply one coat of the darker shade of paint. Let it dry according to the paint manufacturer's recommendations. This coat is your base coat. It will be mostly covered by the outer coat, but the variation between the two shades will help create surface texture.


                Apply one coat of the lighter shade of paint (outer coat). Allow it to dry thoroughly. This will be your furniture's primary color.


                Rub away small areas of the outer coat using a piece of steel wool. Do this all over the furniture to reveal bits of the base coat.


                Remove more paint with a piece of coarse sandpaper, sanding all the way through to the wood. Do this only in spots where the paint would naturally wear awaythe corners, edges and around the hardware. This will give the furniture a distressed, antique look.


                Step back and take a look at the furniture. If you've removed too much paint, add some back in.


                Rub the furniture all over with a thin coating of tinted furniture wax, using a clean cloth. This step is optional. The wax will help protect the furniture and add another layer of patina. Tinted furniture wax is available in natural wood shades and colors. Follow the wax manufacturer's instructions for drying and buffing.

              Monday, September 23, 2013

              Small Garden Landscaping Ideas

              Small Garden Landscaping Ideas

              Gardening is one of the most popular pastimes in the United States. Every day, you'll find people puttering in their yards, creating colorful scenery surrounding their homes. However, if you have limited space, coming up with small garden landscaping ideas may feel daunting. Landscaping a small garden need not be complex to turn out beautifully. Does this Spark an idea?


                Put a border around your garden. This gives it a more formal feel. Even if the garden itself isn't planned, the border creates a simple and easy landscape feature. Use stone, small evergreens or ground cover perennials that you can train into the desired shape. One suggestion for planting is English thyme. It makes a nice low-level ground cover.

              Theme Gardens

                Come up with a theme for your garden before you plant. Have a garden featuring mainly plants with yellow flowers or leaves, for example. Other theme ideas include a butterfly garden, a knot garden and an herb garden. None of these require much space, but it's a good idea to plan them out on paper first so the garden goes in correctly the first time.

              Edible Landscapes

                Small gardens make a perfect location for edible landscaping. Many herbs and vegetables do quite well in smaller gardens. Know your soil and pick items that you enjoy eating fresh. Start with a tomato plant in the center of your garden. Surround it with garlic and onion plants in a circular pattern. Pant basil and oregano at the garden's edge.

              Rocks, Statuary and Water Features

                Add water features, statuary or rocks to your garden. Get small water features at numerous home and garden shops that aren't difficult to assemble and use. Pattern your other garden plants around that feature to give it the feel desired. Statuary and rocks work well. Rock gardens are ideal for small spaces, and statuary comes in all sizes and shapes.

              Vegetable Garden Plans and Layout

              Vegetable Garden Plans and Layout

              A well thought-out plan and layout are essential for gardening success. Vegetables need sunlight, warm nighttime temperatures, fertile soil and water for optimal growth. A garden plan and layout should reflect those needs. Time spent planning your vegetable garden and organizing its layout reaps big rewards. Does this Spark an idea?

              Garden Site

                Choose a location for your vegetable garden. Vegetables perform best when they receive six to eight hours or more of direct sunlight. Choose an area that pets and children will leave alone. If deer, rabbits or other wildlife are an issue, fence the entire garden plot. In windy sites, place the garden where a windbreak, such as a fence or group of trees, exists or create one.


                Overhead watering may cause fungal diseases
                Overhead watering may cause fungal diseases

                Place your vegetable garden close to a water source. During peak growing periods, vegetables need regular watering of 1 inch to 2 inches per week. Hand watering is acceptable but time consuming. Consider drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Underground water methods conserve water, and prevent fungal diseases and insect infestations. Mulch pathways between plants further conserve water and prevents weeds from growing.

              Garden Size

                A smaller vegetable plot is just right for the novice gardener.
                A smaller vegetable plot is just right for the novice gardener.

                Consider the garden's overall size. The larger the plot, the more time it takes to water, weed and care for it. Beginners should start with a small plot. A 10- by10-foot garden provides a family of four with enough produce for one season.


                Use graph paper to layout your vegetable garden
                Use graph paper to layout your vegetable garden

                Make a list of the vegetables you like. Draw a layout on graph paper of where each specific plant goes. Plant tall crops, such as peas, corn and beans, on the north side to prevent shading of the other crops. The middle should be midsize vegetables, such as tomatoes, squash and cole crops. Plant the ends of the garden bed with low crops such as lettuce and onions.

              The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens: Revised Edition

              Special Offer: check this out!

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                Product Description
                The treasures of the Huntington--literary, historic, artistic, and botanical--are captured in this beautiful volume. Lavishly illustrated with nearly 130 full-color photographs and containing a wealth of information about the collections, the book is both a pictorial treat and a fascinating resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the Huntington.

                Sunday, September 22, 2013

                Fiskars 9921 Softouch Micro-Tip Pruning Snip

                • Fiskars pruning snip is ideal for the precision trimming and shaping of flowers and small plants
                • Pruning snip has a 1-1/2-inch rust-resistant stainless steel blade
                • The 4-inch softouch ergonomic handle fits well in small to medium sized hands
                • Use for flower and herb gardening, bonsai, houseplant maintenance, and floral arranging
                • Lifetime warranty

                Special Offer: check this out!

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                  Makes quick, precise cuts effortlessly

                  Micro-Tip snip

                  View larger.

                  Fiskars' Softouch micro-tip pruning snip makes deadheading, trimming and shaping plants easy so easy, it's earned the Arthritis Foundation Ease-of-Use Commendation. An easy-action design opens the blades after each cut to reduce hand strain, and the high-grade, stainless-steel blades feature a precision-ground edge that stays sharp longer and cuts all the way to the tip for clean, healthy cuts on living plants. Fiskars' Softouch micro-tip pruning snip also includes a contoured soft-grip handle for a more comfortable grip. This tool is covered by a lifetime warranty.

                  Ideal for deadheading, trimming, shaping and other quick snips on small plants Awarded the Arthritis Foundation Ease-of-Use Commendation for a design that is easy-to-use for people with arthritis or limited hand strength Easy-action spring-action design gently opens blades after each cut to reduce hand strain High-grade, precision-ground, stainless-steel blades offer a lasting sharp edge that cuts all the way to the tip Symmetrical soft-grip handle offers added comfort and accommodates right- and left-handed users

                  Easy Action spring-action design gently opens blades after each cut to reduce hand strain. View larger.

                  Symmetrical Softgrip handle offers added comfort and accommodates right- and left-handed users. View larger.

                  High-grade, precision-ground, stainlesssteel blades View larger.

                  Ideas for a Prayer Garden

                  Ideas for a Prayer Garden

                  A prayer garden is a place of peace and serenity. Whether it's an expansive garden resting on acres of land or just your own little corner of the yard, a prayer garden can be a place for spiritual communion with God. It's a place of meditation amidst nature's beauty. You have to plan your garden before you create it. Does this Spark an idea?

                  Focal Point Seating

                    Just like interior decorating, garden planning needs a focal point, such as a heavy wrought iron bench or a few chairs and a small table. Your eye is naturally drawn to it and you'll be inspired to go there and pray. Start your garden planning from the focal point. Be aware of the direction the sun rises and sets and move the bench about to get the view you desire. Consider what time of day you'll likely use the bench when planning your seating layout.

                  Water Feature

                    You should have a water feature in your prayer garden near your prayer bench so you can easily hear and see it. The sound of splashing water is soothing and has a calming effect on the soul or a restless mind. Choose a plain fountain in a bucket or take a little more time to install a mini pond complete with fish like Koi. Select a fountain style that suits your garden. For example, if you want your garden to have a more Roman style to it, select a fountain housed in a broken Roman pot.

                  Prayer Stones

                    Select a few prayer stones, which are simply fabricated rocks with inscribed inspirational words, such as "peace," "love" or "faith." Or, prayer stones can have specific scriptures, such as Jeremiah 29:11, a very inspirational passage. Prayer stones can be placed in rock or sand gardens. Rearrange them until you get the look you want.

                  A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast

                  Special Offer: check this out!

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                    Product Description
                    Since it was first published in 1929, A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast has been the authoritative go-to book on gardening for Houstonians and Texas Gulf Coast residents. This 5th edition has been entirely updated, expanded, and colorfully redesigned with a new emphasis on organic gardening and using native plants. This latest edition reaffirms River Oaks Garden Club's commitment to preserving the environment, promoting sustainability, and planting with a purpose.

                    Water Right PCH-025-ES 25-Feet by 3/8-Inch Polyurethane Lead Safe Coil Garden Hose, Espresso

                    • Polyurethane 100% lead free, contains no phthalates, drinking water safe
                    • The finest quality polyurethane coil hose ever made
                    • Specially engineered strain reliefs on both hose ends to prevent hose kink
                    • Commercial grade chrome-plated machined brass fittings
                    • Made from FDA & NSF Grade Polyurethane

                    Special Offer: check this out!

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                      Product Description
                      With our lightweight coiling garden hose, youll never again have to struggle with tangled hoses. The hose stretches to follow your movements, then automatically rebounds into a neat coil for easy storage. Manufactured in the United States using lead-free, top quality FDA grade Polyurethane. Commercial grade machined brass fittings are specially plated to prevent lead from leaching into the water. A truly drinking water safe product. Includes specially engineered strain reliefs on both hose ends to prevent hose kink at the faucet or nozzle end of the hose. Features 12 inch tails on each coil end making a very user-friendly product. Our specially engineered, polyether-based polyurethane is designed for long-term water use.

                      A Systematic Treatment of Fruit Types (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol. 70)

                      Special Offer: check this out!

                      Saturday, September 21, 2013

                      The Best Time to Plant a Rose Bush

                      The Best Time to Plant a Rose Bush

                      Roses remain a garden favorite. Not only are they beautiful and available in a variety of colors, but they can be mass planted in beds, used as screens or hedges, or planted at fences or trellises and allowed to climb. Does this Spark an idea?

                      Planting Time

                        Roses can be planted beginning in early spring.
                        Roses can be planted beginning in early spring.

                        In most climates, roses can be planted from early spring to early fall, although spring or early summer is best. This allows roots plenty of time to establish themselves before winter. A more exact planting time is based on whether plants are packaged as bare-root roses or potted roses. Plant bare-root roses in early to mid-spring, after danger of killing frost has passed and before trees and shrubs leaf out. Plant potted roses from spring--after danger of a killing frost--to early fall.

                      Cold Climates

                        Although early spring is generally the best time to plant roses in cold climates, according to the University of Vermont Extension, you can plant roses in late summer or early autumn as long as you protect them over winter with layers of soil or mulch. In any case, do not plant roses after the first few weeks of fall, as there won't be time for roots to properly develop before spring.

                      Delayed Planting

                        If plants can not be planted as soon as you receive them, prevent their root systems from drying out and keep them in a cool place. Make sure the packing material for bare-root roses is moist.

                      Hydrofarm JSV4 4-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System

                      • Light system for starting seeds, propagating cuttings, and growing indoor flowers and houseplants
                      • Feather-touch height-adjustment mechanism raises or lowers fixture easily; energy efficient
                      • Premium-quality UL/CSA-listed fluorescent fixture with wide reflector provides maximum coverage
                      • T5 high output grow light fixture and bulb. 6' grounded cord with on/off switch
                      • Measures approximately 50 by 18-1/2 by 30 inches; full 1-year warranty

                      Special Offer: check this out!

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                        Product Description
                        The 4 ft wide Jump Start T5 Grow Light System is ideal for seedlings, cuttings, flowers and house plants. The super efficient T5 lights help you grow faster by providing 15-20% more lumens than traditional grow lights. It features a simple toggle clamp for easy lamp height adjustment, and the fixture has an internal reflective finish that directs more light to plants. Ideal for African Violets, orchids, flowering bulbs, vegetables, seedlings and cuttings. Super easy assembly.

                        Amish Wagon Decorative Garden Decor By Collections Etc

                        • Showcases flowers and creates sensational seasonal displays
                        • Crafted from wood with rolling iron wheels
                        • Green wagon style
                        • Each measures 44 1/4"L (includes handle), x 14 1/2"W x 15 1/2"H
                        • Length of the wagon is 21.75" without the handle

                        Special Offer: check this out!

                        Related Products

                          Product Description
                          Amish Country Wagon: Showcase flowers, spotlight teddy bears and create sensational seasonal displays. Crafted from wood with rolling iron wheels. Green wagon style. Some assembly required. Each measures 44 1/4"L (includes handle), x 14 1/2"W x 15 1/2"H. Length of the wagon is 21.75" without the handle.

                          The Best Finish for Outdoor Furniture

                          The Best Finish for Outdoor Furniture

                          Outdoor furniture can turn your backyard from a garden into a functional, outdoor room, where you and your family can spend hours of quality time. The right furniture for your yard should be both attractive and comfortable. Because outdoor furniture is constantly exposed to the elements, it is important to coat it with a protective finish. The best finish for your outdoor furniture depends not only on the look you are after, but also the amount of periodic maintenance you are willing to perform. Does this Spark an idea?

                          Oil-Based Transparent Stains

                            For finishing a quality piece of wood furniture, many people prefer the look and feel of an oil-based, transparent wood stain. A transparent stain provides color to the wood, but the wood's natural grain will remain completely revealed. As opposed to a paint, which lays on the wood's surface, a transparent stain is intended to penetrate into the wood's surface.

                            Prior to finishing with a transparent stain, your wood furniture should be entirely free of any existing coatings. You may have to sand or use a chemical stripper in order to achieve the desired conditions prior to staining. In addition, wood must be completely dry prior to staining; any moisture contained within the wood may prevent the stain from penetrating the surface adequately. An oil-based wood stain that does not penetrate, and sits on the wood's surface, will remain tacky, will tend to attract dirt and pollen and could stain clothing. When applying oil-based stain, make sure the stain soaks into the wood. Back-brushing, or going back over the surface of the wood to remove any excess stain, after 15 minutes is an effective way to avoid overapplying oil-based wood stain.

                            Transparent oil-based stains provide water protection, as well as protection from the sun's harmful rays. Keep in mind that the UV protection in wood stain comes from the pigments, so the darker color you choose, the longer you can expect a stain to last. Generally, a transparent wood stain will last between one to three years before it needs to be refinished. The lifespan varies greatly depending on the exposure to sunlight.

                            Also, it is important to understand that, when using a transparent wood stain, the finish can vary greatly depending on the absorbency and color of the wood. Wood is a natural substrate, and transparent finishes will reveal the inconsistencies and natural deformations inherent within wood. This can create a beautiful, breath-taking finish, but if you are expecting a consistent finish, it can be quite a shock. Go with a solid-color product if consistency is your goal.

                          Semitransparent Oil-Based Wood Stain

                            A semitransparent wood stain is similar to the transparent stain in many ways. The primary difference between the two is that the pigment particles in the semitransparent stains are larger and obscure the wood grain pattern more than those in the transparent stain. Similar to the transparent stain, you will want to avoid overapplying the semitransparent wood stains. Also, the darker colors will tend to last longer than the lighter ones.

                            You can expect a semitransparent stain to last between two and four years before the furniture needs to be refinished.

                          Solid Color Stain or Paint

                            A solid color stain essentially performs similarly to a traditional, opaque paint. In fact, prior to applying a solid color wood stain, it is typically recommended that you first apply a primer in order to create a surface with which the solid color stain will bond. Then, after the priming, apply two coats of solid color stain in order to ensure maximum protection and a consistent finish.

                            A solid color product will completely obscure the wood's natural grain, but it provides a long-lasting and protective finish. Also, if you are finishing weather damaged furniture, furniture with a coating that could not be completely removed or furniture constructed of lower-grade lumber, a solid color product may be your best choice.

                            You can expect a solid color finish to last at least five years or longer. Again, harmful UV rays are the nemesis of all coatings, so the more you are able to keep your furniture out of the sunlight, the longer you can expect your furniture's finish to remain intact.

                          Friday, September 20, 2013

                          What Fertilizer to Use in a Vegetable Garden?

                          What Fertilizer to Use in a Vegetable Garden?

                          As your vegetable plants grow, they naturally absorb nutrients from the soil to produce healthy vegetables for you to eat. You must add fertilizer to your vegetable garden plot each year to replenish these nutrients for best results. You can do this in the early spring when you till the ground before planting or in the fall after you have finished with your vegetable garden for the year. Does this Spark an idea?


                            Manure from different animals is some of the best fertilizer you can add to your garden soil. You can use the manure from cows, horses, chickens or a combination of these. If you want to add manure into your vegetable garden soil, it is best to till it in after your garden has stopped producing for the year. Remove all the weeds and spent vegetable plants, spread the manure over as much of the garden as you can, and till the soil. Adding the manure in the fall allows it to decompose so the soil can absorb it before planting time. If you want to use manure in the spring, it is best to add it to your compost pile and let it break down before adding it to your garden soil; composting manure prior to use also reduces the chances of introducing disease-causing bacteria to your garden.


                            Composting is a way for you to recycle yard and kitchen waste into something usable instead of simply throwing it away. If you want to use compost as a fertilizer to your soil, you will want to add a variety of ingredients to your compost pile or bin. Some of the things you can add to compost include coffee grounds, egg shells, fruit and vegetable peels and cores, grass clippings, hair (from the barber shop), shredded newspaper and other yard waste. Chop or grind up any large pieces so that it will decompose faster. Have two or three compost piles going at all times, at different stages of decomposition, so that you always have fertilizer to add to your garden and always have a fresh pile to add your scraps to. Add compost whenever you need it.


                            Leaves are probably one of the cheapest things that you can add to your soil as a fertilizer. However, it is a good idea to send the leaves through a chipper or a shredder to break them up a little bit before adding them to your garden. Spread the leaf mulch over your garden soil in the fall, and then till the leaves in. Let them sit all through the winter months so that the leaves can break down and be absorbed by the soil. You may want to till the soil again in the spring just to make sure the leaves are well mixed into the soil.


                            There are a variety of chemical fertilizers on the market at hardware and garden stores. You can find any number of them that are suitable for a vegetable garden. This is a good option for those who have tested their soil and know that there is a deficiency in one or more nutrients. Choose one of the chemical fertilizers that has the nutrient you need, spread it over the topsoil of your vegetable garden, and then till it in. You can add the chemical fertilizers just before planting your vegetables or after the growing season is over. Read all the package instructions before using since some directions may require watering and others do not.

                          How to Spray Paint Wicker Furniture

                          How to Spray Paint Wicker Furniture

                          Changing the appearance of wicker furniture is very easy and takes just a few minutes to do using spray paint. You are left you with instant gratification and a look that is fresh, new and perfectly coordinated with the surrounding dcor. Read on to learn how to spray paint wicker furniture. Does this Spark an idea?



                            Clean the furniture. Use an old towel to dust it well, making sure that no residue or debris is left on the surface. If the furniture already has multiple coats of paint, you may want to use light-grain sandpaper to remove the layers. Wash down the furniture and allow it to fully dry if going this route.


                            Pick a location. The best place to spray paint the wicker is in your empty garage, with the garage door cracked about half-way open to provide proper ventilation, and to keep any breeze out of the garage. If no garage is available, find an open grassy area away from houses and cars that could catch the mist of the spray in the wind.


                            Cover the ground. Use a flattened cardboard box, an old sheet or a painting drop cloth to cover the surface of the ground. This isn't completely necessary if using the grass since it can be mowed, but the blades of grass may get in the way of the wet paint.


                            Use the right paint. If the furniture is intended for outdoor use, pick a spray paint that is meant for outdoor wicker furniture. Even if the furniture will be used indoors, outdoor paint can be used. Many brands and colors are on the market, so this won't be hard to find.


                            Start spraying. Use short, fluid sprays to coat the wicker. It is better to use several light layers than one thick layer so you don't get drip marks. Spray from every angle to make sure you have gotten inside every crevice. Allow each coat to dry for 15 minutes in between coats.

                          Lifetime Raised Garden Bed Kit, # 60053

                          • Two 4 by 4 -Feet stackable garden beds
                          • One early start enclosure
                          • Easy do-it-yourself assembly ? no tools required
                          • Full Garden Set-up in Less than 1 Hour
                          • Constructed of uv-protected high-density polyethylene - will not rot, crack or peel
                          • Two 4 ft. x 4 ft. stackable garden beds

                          Special Offer: check this out!

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                            Product Description
                            The Lifetime Raised Garden Bed Kit contains an Early Start clear vinyl plastic tent enclosure and two 4x4 garden beds that can be used separately or stacked for an extra-deep bed. It is designed with 8 easy-to-assemble interlocking panels of polyethylene plastic with rust-resistant zinc-coated screws. It won't rot or attract insects like raised garden beds made out of timber. The interlocking panels create the sidewalls and a weed barrier (not included) creates the bottom of this raised garden bed. This prevents weeds and underground pests from invading your garden. With raised beds you can easily customize the soil to your plants, so you won't be at the mercy of the natural soil conditions in your area. Because the soil isn't compacted from being walked upon, a raised garden bed doesn't require tilling and provides more efficient drainage. Plant placement is done differently in a raised bed, and this allows you to grow five times as many crops as traditional gardening because it uses 20% of the space of single-row gardens. You'll also appreciate that the interlocking panels give you the option to disassemble and relocate your garden bed if you move or simply want to change your landscaping design.