Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oriental Gardens Ideas

Oriental Gardens Ideas

An oriental garden has certain design aspects to it that attempt to be the embodiment of grace and form. Each element in the garden must be in harmony with the natural world; one element should not overwhelm the other elements. However, that does not mean that there is no focus in the oriental garden. The focus is a combination of more than one element. There should be no clashes. The oriental garden should be a place of rest and meditation. It should be a place to shut out the everyday outside world and relax in a place of beauty. Does this Spark an idea?

Water Feature

    The most common thread in an oriental garden is a water feature. This can be a koi pond or a man-made water fall. The secret to the water feature is water circulation, which is achieved through a pump. Try to install a quiet pump that will not cover up the sounds from the moving water. If installing actual water in your garden is too much work, install a zen garden. This is a bed of loose sand or gravel meant to represent water. Place a few large stones in the sand bed to represent islands. Rake the sand in patterns that resemble waves. This exercise is supposed to encourage meditation and thought. If the garden space is not large enough for either a pond or zen garden, consider a bamboo fountain.


    Oriental gardens have some distinct architectural features that you might consider adding to your garden. One of the most important items is the garden gate, which serves as an entryway into another realm. It is a combination of elegance and simplicity. The gate should be wooden and too high to see over. Once inside, there should be distinct paths to follow. They can be constructed out of dirt, bark or natural stone. Place stone benches at special viewpoints to create rest areas. Somewhere in the harmony of the garden should be an oriental arch which should blend into the style of the garden. These arches are usually simple and painted red. Small elements like miniature pagodas and stone animals can be spread throughout the garden.


    One of the main plants in an oriental garden is bamboo, which is a tall grass that works well as a screen to isolate the garden from the outside world. Flowering trees should drape over the water features. Other plants to consider are the fall flowering chrysanthemum, flowering cabbage, zinnias and azaleas. There should also be an abundance of moss and ferns. Blue pacific junipers, firs and spruce trees can also be scattered around. Remember to trim these back so they do not overwhelm the rest of the garden.