Rock gardens are often constructed as a way of using pieces of land otherwise unsuitable for certain garden plants; generally, these are areas of the yard with grittier soil. Such soil is better utilized for ornamental grasses and other rock and mountain growing plants. Rock gardens are preferably made on sloping surfaces that drain well. According to Landscaping Ideas Online, it is not the presence of water in such gardens that is problematic, but rather the "inability [of the water] to run off" that can harm plants used in rock gardens. Does this Spark an idea?
Hillside Rock Garden
Assorted rocks and mountain growing plants can be used to terrace a hillside or sloping area on your property. Common plants used in rock garden landscaping include alpine poppies, alpine pinks, blue carpet, blue fescue, dwarf yarrow, dwarf baby's breath, bitter root, oregano, pasque flower and mountain avens, among others. Large boulders have a "dramatic hillside effect," according to The Landscape Design Site's information on hillside landscaping ideas. Boulders should be proportioned so they do not dwarf each other. Smaller rocks can also pepper the hillside or slope. Hillside rock gardens also provide the opportunity to have a naturalized garden with a wide range of grasses, wildflowers and other plants. While most "true natural settings" do not have as much variety as hillside rock gardens, according to the aforementioned reference, using multiple self-seeding perennials will help this rock garden grow quickly and diversely.
Rock Garden With Water Feature
Water features make lovely additions to any rock garden and can be utilized a number of ways. A rock garden that doubles as an artificial stream or runs off into a small pool or pond is one method; flat stones can be stacked to help create waterfalls. Large pitchers that spill into an artificial stone-laden stream create a waterfall effect. Try planting numerous ornamental grasses along such streams as well as tall flowering plants. Small fountains can be placed in the middle of rock gardens; these can be purchased or made from a wide variety of materials, including cast stone, granite, copper, bamboo and stainless steel.
Stone Wall Rock Garden/Additional Ideas
Constructing a winding small stone wall made of flat gray stone that features a mixture of plants and boulders is another form of backyard rock garden. Place boulders throughout the area and try planting large bushy plants and ornamental grasses along with some taller flowering plants. Building a rock garden alongside a sloping driveway is an attractive use of the space. The area will drain well; use flat stones and seed creeping plants that will crawl over and around the stones. Larger, bushier plants can also be used in such set ups. With the right types of stone, a natural stone bench can be constructed and placed in a rock garden; try building a mini "stone mountain" in which to place a small fountain and position it in view of the bench as a soothing focal point.