Monday, October 28, 2013

How to Repair Outdoor Wicker Furniture

How to Repair Outdoor Wicker Furniture

Outdoor wicker furniture is commonly used on patios, decks and gardens because it resists natural elements while providing comfort. Sections of wicker are made from natural or synthetic material woven into a variety of patterns and designs. However, the fragile material cracks easily when dry. Repair any damages such as broken, cracked or missing strands or sections to continue using the furniture instead of rendering it useless. Make sure any additional wicker you need for repair matches the wicker used in your furniture so it blends easily instead of standing out. Does this Spark an idea?


Broken Strand Repair


    Flip the wicker chair upside down. Inspect the strand to determine whether it is broken or cracked. Apply strong glue to a broken strand that has both ends intact. Allow the glue to thoroughly dry. If the strand is broken, clip it off at an angle and slide it out of the frame or weave using tweezers. Use sharp scissors that slice straight through the strand instead of leaving a jagged cut. Insert exposed ends under interwoven strands and apply glue to prevent these from unraveling.


    Soak a new strand in a container of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Measure the length of the removed strand and cut the new strand to the same length plus 2 inches.


    Insert the tip of the new strand through the underside of the chair and weave it in the gap following the pattern of surrounding strands. Pull the strand taut while weaving.


    Trim ends of the new strand and butt the ends so they are in line with the wicker on surrounding wicker strands. Follow manufacturer's directions to apply waterproof glue over the new strand and allow it to dry before placing the chair back in its place.

Cracked Strand Repair


    Immerse the tip of a paintbrush in a bottle or container of boiled linseed oil and spread it evenly over the cracked surface of the wicker furniture. Make sure you cover all gaps between woven sections.


    Immerse the tip of the brush in the oil and reapply over the surface of the wicker chair again. Repeat the procedure until it stays shiny and cannot absorb any more oil.


    Rub the chair with paper towels to wipe excess oil off. Leave the chair to dry for 24 hours.

Missing Strand Replacement


    Soak the new strands of reed in water for 15 to 20 minutes. Always soak more than you need to make up for those that crack or are damaged during the weaving process.


    Spread a wet cloth over the part of the wicker chair that has missing strands for 30 minutes. This makes the surrounding strands pliable so you easily weave the new ones around them.


    Insert the tip of a new strand into the gap and weave it in and out of the other strands. Glue the ends of the new strand to the edge of the furniture or two strands on either side if necessary. Leave the chair to dry.