Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Best Time to Cut Back Rose Bushes

Pruning is a vital part of caring for roses. If you prune at the right times, you'll see a healthier bush with more blooms. Does this Spark an idea?

Why Prune?

    Pruning is necessary because rose bushes will twist and tangle instead of growing upward. Also, old branches take energy away from newer branches that are trying to make produce blooms.

Different Times for Different Reasons

    There are actually three kinds of pruning: spring, summer and fall. Different kinds of pruning are necessary at different times of the year to keep roses at their healthiest.

Spring Pruning

    In the early part of the year, broken or damaged branches need to be pruned.

Summer Deadheading

    When your roses begin to bloom, pinch off or cut old, faded blooms. This deadheading helps the bush produce new blooms.

Fall Time Pruning

    Fall is the time for major pruning. Many people cut their roses back to half their size. This protects the bush from breaking during the winter, prepares it to hibernate and encourages it to grow new stems the following spring. For a healthy, round bush the following year, prune most branches down to a few inches every fall.