Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What to Spray in a Vegetable Garden to Kill Grass

What to Spray in a Vegetable Garden to Kill Grass

Grass is one of the most common weeds to appear in your vegetable garden. Whether its crabgrass, nut grass or even the Bermuda that might look beautiful in your lawn, grass is a vigorous grower and will rob your vegetables of the moisture and nutrients they need. There are several solutions to rid your garden of this pesky intruder. Does this Spark an idea?

Chemical Herbicides

    Many herbicides are on the market and they come in two main categories: pre-emergent and post-emergent. Pre-emergent kills the weeds as their seeds germinate but will not kill existing weeds. Post-emergent eliminates existing weeds. Many brands of herbicides contain both.

    Round-Up herbicide contains glyphosate, which is approved for limited use in the vegetable garden. It is a post-emergent and will kill most grasses in the vegetable garden. Use this and any chemical with care around your edible plants.

    Poast is another post-emergent herbicide that kills grass in your vegetable garden. Poast works best before the grass reaches 8 inches high.

    One application of these herbicides will kill annual grasses, but perennial grasses, such as Bermuda grass, may take several applications.

    To assure you spray the grass weed and only the grass weed, isolate the weed with a cut 2L soda bottle. On a day when you're sure it wont rain, place the cut bottle over the weed and spray the herbicide into the opening. Remove and place over the next weed until youre done. This is a great use for those empty soda bottles and will protect your vegetables from the herbicide.

Organic Solutions

    Many gardeners are understandably hesitant to spray chemicals on their vegetable gardens. Luckily for them, there are a few natural herbicides from which to choose.

    Corn gluten is a pre-emergent herbicide that is safe to use on your vegetable garden. It will stop grass seeds from germinating but can also inhibit any vegetable seeds as well. Although it comes in a spray, its more effective as a powder.

    Vinegar is a post-emergent herbicide that works on weeds before theyve grown taller than 2 inches. Although household vinegar works, natural gardening stores carry a solution containing a higher percentage of acetic acid, the ingredient that kills the weed.

    Even though these are natural solutions to your weed problem, they cant tell the difference between your vegetable plants and the weeds you want to destroy. Using the 2L bottle method will assure only the plants you choose will be eliminated.