Thursday, August 15, 2013

Garden Fencing Ideas

Garden fences can fall into two basic categories: keeping things out and providing aesthetics. Combining these two uses for a garden fence does not mean a trade-off. In fact, there are a number of economical materials available that can serve both functions. Some fences may be doable in a single weekend. Other types of fences may take years to finish. The end result is dependent upon the garden and the ultimate use for the fence. Does this Spark an idea?

Stack the Stones

    In some parts of the country, rural roads are lined for miles with row upon row of stone fences. Farmers cleared fields of these rocks and used them to confine the livestock. Many of these fences took a lifetime to construct. And perhaps if you look closely in the fields, it appears that the rocks are growing from the ground. These types of fences, although beautiful, take a long time to construct and literally tons of rock.

Wood or Bamboo

    High fences with landscape appeal can be constructed from wood or bamboo. These fences can serve purposes of aesthetics, keeping things out and even privacy. Depending on the construction method, wood fences can be either rustic or formal, vertical fences. Rustic fences may have a single post placed every 8 feet with a horizontal member joining the posts. Formal fences can be completely covered, allowing no visual access through the boards. Bamboo can also be constructed in a rustic manner to simply delineate a line across the field, or the slim bamboo can be placed tightly together. Like the wooden formal fence, a bamboo fence can offer complete privacy. Bamboo has yet another advantage if the shoots are green: It can be woven into separate screens. These screens can then be attached to posts in the ground.

Wire Fence

    Although not the most appealing to look at when first constructed, wire fencing can also be used as an arbor for plants. Easily erected to heights that will keep jumping deer at bay, wire fencing comes in many sizes and openings. Surrounding a vegetable garden may best be served by a wire fence. Small-diameter poultry netting can be used close to the ground to keep out rabbits. Larger woven wire fencing can be installed to keep out livestock and dogs. Certain plants can be used to hide the utilitarian look of the wire. Climbing roses, honeysuckle and hummingbird vine all thrive on wire fences. In a number of years, the wire will disappear under the natural beauty of the climbing plants. The wire fence will then take on a natural appeal and will become a natural barrier.