The Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses' bush is also known as Alexandra. It grows 4 to 5 feet tall with an equal spread. The trumpet-shaped flowers are deep pink and the foliage is purple. The best plant companions are those that have similar requirements. Does this Spark an idea?
When choosing plants that complement Wine and Roses, select specimens that also require full sun and have moderate water needs. Weigela bloom most heavily in the spring, but this variety blooms intermittently throughout the season. Weigela would look best surrounded by shorter annuals and/or perennials.
Wine and Roses is deciduous, so planting an array of spring flowering bulbs near it will give interest in early spring before the shrub is fully leafed out. The purple foliage benefits from the contrast of light green, making lady's mantle (Alchemilla mollis) a good, low-growing companion.
Complementary Colors
Pink flowers and purple foliage work well with lighter pink, white or blue flowers, as well as light and dark green foliage. Low-growing roses, like the white or pale pink Flower Carpet varieties will fit in well. Also try blue perennial ageratum and a selection of fall asters.