You can keep your garden and potted outdoor plants free of aphids and other pests without chemicals. It's simple to make your own organic bug spray with things you probably already have in your kitchen! Does this Spark an idea?
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Peel and dice a medium-sized onion and soak in a bowl of water overnight. The amount of water you use to soak should be the amount that will fit into your spray bottle.
2On the next day you can strain your onion steeping water into your spray bottle and begin to use it right away. Spray on all your plants, especially any that are vulnerable to aphids and other garden pests. You can use it on herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Any onion smell or flavor will dissipate, so you won't notice it when it's time to eat your garden produce.
3Use daily once your plants are established, and store the spray bottle in the refrigerator. Your onion-water spray will last 6 to 8 weeks if refrigerated.