Friday, August 23, 2013

How to Root a Rose from a Cutting

How to Root a Rose from a Cutting

You received beautiful long-stemmed roses from that special someone. Its sad that they will eventually fade. However, they don't all have to; you can try to root one of the roses. It doesnt work every time but, when it does, you have a new rose bush. Does this Spark an idea?



    Select a rose that has at least two sets of leaves. Choose one that is newly cut; dont wait until the rose starts to wilt.


    Remove the petals from the rose by cupping the blossom in your hand and gently pulling it away from the stem. Float the blossom in a bowl of water to enjoy. Remove all sets of leaves except the top two sets.


    Fill a 10- to 12-inch flowerpot with potting soil. Measure the rose stem against the container; you will need to bury half of the stem in the potting soil. Trim the excess from the rose stem.


    Poke a hole in the potting soil and bury half of the stem in the potting soil. Turn the empty 1 gallon jar over and place it carefully over the rose stem to make sure there is headroom for the rose stem. If not, trim a little more of the rose stem. When the stem is the right height, remove it and dip the bottom of the rose stem into root starter and return to the potting soil.

    Potted Rose

    Pat the soil around the rose stem and pour water over the potting soil. Place the empty 1 gallon jar over the rose stem, being careful not to damage the leaves. Settle the jar into the potting soil. This creates a terrarium.


    Place the flowerpot, with the rose and jar, in a shaded place that faces the north. This could be behind a bush or in the shade of a garage; it's important that it doesn't get sunlight. This is very important; if left in the sunlight, it will scorch the rose.

    Pink Rose

    Let the rose set for several months. If it roots, youll see leaves, first red and then turning green, begin to form. Once the rose has several new leaf sets, transplant it to your garden.