Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Save Rose Petals

How to Save Rose Petals

Often roses are part of a special event or occasion we want to remember, and preserving the petals gives us a special way to do that. Rose petals are also very aromatic, and saving the petals allows use in aromatherapy baths or in potpourri to place around the house. Continue to smell and see the beauty of the rose petals with these ideas. Does this Spark an idea?


Ways to Save Rose Petals


    Lay a window screen down on two bricks, placed at the edges of the screen. This will give air a way to circulate underneath the screen to optimize drying. Set up your screen dryer in a dark, dry spot.


    Gently pull the petals off the roses, and lay them out on the screen to dry. Make one layer and do your best not to let the rose petals touch each other. Check on the rose petals every few days. It may take up to 2 weeks for them to dry, depending upon the climate conditions.

    Rose petals in basket

    Save your rose petals in a basket for potpourri. This will allow you to enjoy the aroma. Some wonderful spices to add to rose petals are whole cloves, crushed cinnamon sticks and crushed nutmegs. Sprinkle with a few drops of essential rose oil and you will have a potpourri that will stay aromatic for months.

    Rose petals lining a gel candle

    Line the bottom of the glass bowl or jar with rose petals, then set a candle in the middle for a wonderful candleholder. As the flame heats up, so will the aroma of roses.


    Use your rose petals in crafts. Paste them on a picture frame or a bookmark.